Why Casa Bambino Montessori?
- We introduce children to the Montessori method of education in their most formative years of development, as early as 18 months of age.
- Children explore academic disciplines as well as wellness activities.
- Children learn to care for their peers and their environment, ensuring a holistic development.

How Casa Bambino Montessori came to be...
In 1965, Yasmine Mama wished to enrol her two-year-old daughter into a Montessori school in South Mumbai, soon to realize that there weren’t many options at the time. Being a qualified Montessori teacher trained in London, Yasmine Mama decided to open her own little prepared environment at Rugby House in Nepeansea Road.
As the school grew, It moved to Oomer Park where it remains today. It was then both a school and her home. In the mornings children engaged in various learning activities, and in the afternoons Mrs. Mama’s own children took advantage of the empty classrooms to play.
By 1973, the school expanded into the entire property. Materials were initially flown in from London, before they were manufactured locally. Jungle-gyms and hanging beams were replaced with modern playground equipment. Children now enjoy spacious classrooms filled with natural light, an outdoor garden and a playground.
Over the years, the school has seen highly educated, qualified and passionate teachers, and students have excelled and moved on to some of the most prestigious schools in the city.
Children today are facing several challenges and pressure to excel. At Casa, we teach our children how to balance work and leisure. We facilitate an environment where children can discover their interests and strengths, enhance their creativity, and express themselves confidently, at their own pace.
We teach our children to care for and respect one another. We expose them to current events, and guide them to making their own choices.
A disciplined freedom
Adaptive learning to prep your child for the future

We strive to give our children a strong base in all areas of their development. We prepare them to face the challenges ahead with confidence and to accept success humbly and failure as an obstacle to overcome. Furthermore, we guide them in reaching harmony between mind, body and soul.